  • imnotgoats

    Let me get this started.'s hard to pick just one. What kind of jerk made up that rule?

    Okay, I'm going with The Mountain Goats.

    I discovered them initially by hearing three covers by Atom and His Package on his album, Redefining Music.

    I loved the simplicity of the songs and the intensely brilliant lyrics (this became more pronounced as they released more albums). I also love how there's often a few bars of music after the lyrics finish in many songs. I like to consider this 'reflection time'.

    Here's one of their less lyrically intense songs.

    • Wenjarich

      Do they have anything to do with your username? :P

      • imnotgoats

        Hah! Yes.

        • Wenjarich

          I feel like I disproved your theory, that you stated in that link, that the only way someone will get your name origin is with a "what is the story behind your name?" thread seeing as I guessed it in a "what is your favourite band?" thread. ;P

          • imnotgoats

            Curses! Foiled again.

            Wait. You had to go to the thread to actually know exactly where it came from...

            • Wenjarich

              I did ask if the band had anything to do with your name, without going to the thread. But you are right, for me to know exactly what it was about, I had to go to the thread. ;)