  • Bastou

    In the last two years of high school, I had a terrible math teacher. She would not teach, or barely, telling us to read the book instead. Then, when someone had a question because, obviously, how are you supposed to learn by yourself in high school, she would ask one of her favorite students to help out the one who had the question. Even the other teachers said she was terrible.

    • nyx

      Were you in my math class? Now seriously, I came here to write the exact same story, except I only had this teacher for only year (thankfully). My next teacher wouldn't believe us until he saw our first test results but he wouldn't speak ill of his coworker. He was so amazing we ended up learning everything in that single year, and I went from about to fail to an almost perfect score.

      • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

        Haha! I don't know, but I hope so, it would mean there was only one such terrible teacher known. ;-) Mine's name was Fernande. It happened in French Canada.