  • SevenTales

    First of all, I am not saying I believe. I'm answering the question.
    The idea of a god isn't that far-fetched when dealing with the appropriate questions. Really, in philosophy of Religion and metaphysics, the kind of questions that "god" could be an easy answer for is mindbogglingly huge. The case against pure physicalism has plenty of weird but powerful arguments, and god is an easy way out in most cases. I see the idea of an omnipotent and ever present all that always was as a powerful symbol of our ridiculously small understanding of the gigantic Reality that we face. It's easy then to succumb to cynicism or absurdism, but equally easy to just chalk it up to an ever-knowing and unprovable god.
    The lack of empirical evidence shouldn't make you not believe, it should make you doubt both answers. And empirical evidence is not the only way to look at a problem, as it has problems of it's own.