
What's something you've done before but will never do again?

What's something you've done before but will never do again?

9 years ago by kiltman with 14 comments

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  • manix

    I'm pretty sure I won't be born again :)

  • spaceghoti

    Join a church. I did my time but I've reformed for good and I'll never do it again.

    • Gozzin

      You volunteered to go to church!? What brought that on? I was forced to go as a kid and hated it.

      • spaceghoti

        No, I was forced to go to church as well, but eventually I bought into the experience and started training to become a pastor.

  • Gozzin

    Smoked part of a cigarette..Boy,did I get sick! Never again,ever.

  • marenmor

    Take the drivers test. Traumatic enough first time around.
    Take the jump (aka skydiving).

  • Qukatt

    drugs. they make me paranoid and very violently sick.

    • IridescentOak

      For me, it's mixing drugs. I'm not going to lie, I am a substance abuser, but I have a rule for myself to only take one thing at a time and to make sure that I know exactly what I'm taking. The one and only time I've overdosed was when I mixed two things without knowing how they'd react to each other. Since with a lot of things it's hard to pinpoint precisely what they're going to do together, I'd just rather avoid that risk altogether and stick with my vanilla highs.

  • freedomgarden


    • kiltman

      What made you stop?

      • freedomgarden

        Two things. The first was having to clean up road sides and work sites. The second was finding a favorite hiking trail covered in all kinds of trash towards the end of the summer season.

  • jenjen1352

    Run. Kneel. Jump.

    Those were the days...

  • rti9

    Ride a roller coaster. I discovered the hard way that it isnĀ“t my type of activity.