What's something you've done before but will never do again?
What's something you've done before but will never do again?
9 years ago by kiltman
What's something you've done before but will never do again?
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I'm pretty sure I won't be born again :)
that's pretty pessimistic.
Join a church. I did my time but I've reformed for good and I'll never do it again.
You volunteered to go to church!? What brought that on? I was forced to go as a kid and hated it.
No, I was forced to go to church as well, but eventually I bought into the experience and started training to become a pastor.
Smoked part of a cigarette..Boy,did I get sick! Never again,ever.
Take the drivers test. Traumatic enough first time around.
Take the jump (aka skydiving).
drugs. they make me paranoid and very violently sick.
For me, it's mixing drugs. I'm not going to lie, I am a substance abuser, but I have a rule for myself to only take one thing at a time and to make sure that I know exactly what I'm taking. The one and only time I've overdosed was when I mixed two things without knowing how they'd react to each other. Since with a lot of things it's hard to pinpoint precisely what they're going to do together, I'd just rather avoid that risk altogether and stick with my vanilla highs.
What made you stop?
Two things. The first was having to clean up road sides and work sites. The second was finding a favorite hiking trail covered in all kinds of trash towards the end of the summer season.
Run. Kneel. Jump.
Those were the days...
Ride a roller coaster. I discovered the hard way that it isnĀ“t my type of activity.