
what are some of the weirdest things your kids have said?

Chlo (my daughter) just got an ice cream from the Ice Cream Man and it's Bubbles from the Power Puff Girls. She's licking it and telling what it tastes like, apparently the hair tastes like pineapple, the eyes taste like grape and her face tastes like Salami/Hot Dogs. I asked her: So the skin tastes like salami or hot dogs? She says hot dogs because hot dogs have skin that tastes like skinny girls and salami is really dark almost red. lol

9 years ago by Rhumanity with 18 comments

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  • turtledaze

    My niece once dropped down into the splits then promptly cried "Ouch, my nuts!"....she has older brothers, obviously.

    • Rhumanity

      yep, laughed out loud at that one :)

  • TheDreamingMonk

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  • Rhumanity

    My daughter spilled her drink on the carpet one time and exclaimed: MOM!!! The CARPET RUINED MY DRINK!

    • turtledaze

      She's going to be an amazing litigator or politician someday with the ability to spin a situation like that! Lol

  • thraenthraen

    A young person in my life once explained to me the purpose of tampons: "that's what girls use to pee!"

    • Rhumanity

      interesting, was it a boy young person or a girl young person? my guess is boy...

  • BearSpear

    Brphmlphfffff.... Eahhhmnnnnananan.

    She's 3 months old.

    • Rhumanity

      lmao I BET that was weird!

      • BearSpear

        Yeah, she usually goes on and on and on about economic theory and microbiology, so it was pretty strange to hear actually make baby noises for a change. I'm glad though, because seriously, if I had to hear her tedious critique of the geopolitical ramifications of Keynesian stimulus lending one more goddamn time, I swear...

        • Rhumanity

          gosh I hate it when kids think they're know it alls ;)

  • Rhumanity

    That awkward moment when: your two year old is in the other room and you hear her say "mm bwoah me" "oh thats fantastic!" "mmmm that's amazing!!!" and you walk in there wondering what the heck is up (ready to give your man a piece of your mind when he gets home for letting your little girl get into his porn) and you see a BALOGNA sandwich in her hand and feel embarrassed for your own dirty mind lol

  • spectregris

    My 5 year old cousin looked at me the other day and asked "Do you think snakes brag to other snakes about the biggest thing they ate?" I can't stop thinking about it.