  • TonyDiGerolamo

    I've done this one. You have several options:

    1) Ziploc bags (you're going to need the large ones) 2) Most people have a knapsack, but if you don't, there are places where you can get a cheap one or a tote bag for a few dollars. 3) one coat hanger

    Okay, with whatever money you have left hit the happy hour at the most high end bar you know, one that serves food with happy hour. Buy the cheapest drink and then help yourself to plates and plates of free food. When you get back to the table, dump the food in the Ziploc bags until you have enough for the week. It's going to be mostly the same stuff, but some bars really put out a spread. Put it in your knapsack or totebag and slip out during the drunken revelry. Make sure you're full when you leave.

    The coat hanger is the back up plan. In case you run out of food or don't have enough, find an unguarded vending machine. No cameras. Hotels usually have these. Anyhow, unspool the coat hanger, feed it up through the drop slot, rake it across the snacks to knock them down, grab the booty and take off for the next vending machine.

    And that should easily get you through the week, assuming you have access to a fridge. This is what I'd advised a friend to do at college when he stayed for a week during a break and only had $5.