
What product looked so awful, you had to buy it just to see for yourself?

9 years ago by phosphorescent with 22 comments

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Conversation 8 comments by 7 users
  • drunkenninja

    Crystal Pepsi

    • papervoid

      And Pepsi Blue.

    • phosphorescent

      How was it? I'm a youngin' so I wasn't really around to try it.

      • oystein

        It tasted pepsi without the caramel colouring.

      • drunkenninja

        It wasn't horrible, it was just weird. I can't exactly remember the taste since it was so damn long ago, but I remember thinking "whats the point".

        • Teska

          The caramel coloring (absent in Crystal Pepsi) is what I think gives Pepsi it's taste. Basically it was a cola without the "cola". It was one of those things where you know it's missing something and doesn't taste quite right. I don't even like dark sodas, and I hated Crystal Pepsi.

    • CrazyDiamond

      I really really like the idea of a cola without the brown coloring... Honestly jealous.

    • redalastor

      It tasted alright.

      Though, I'm in the only place in the world that prefers Pepsi to Coke...

  • sarcasimo

    There's this Wal Mart brand Coconut flavored, blue colored, soda. It was only 99 cents so I picked up a bottle of it. The best reaction I got out of one of my friends was "It tastes like sunscreen smells!"

    • oystein (edited 9 years ago)

      I once bought a blue soda with tropical flavour. We mixed it with gin. It was awful.

    • phosphorescent

      that made me gag

      • sarcasimo

        It made all of us gag... I don't recommend it.

        Unless you hate your friends.

  • freespirit

    Vegemite. Instant gag.

    • CrazyDiamond

      You need to spread it super super thin, on toast with butter.

    • thinkerbell

      Yeah, that is one I just don't get either. I was talking to an Aussie friend a while ago and he said that their equivalent to our peanut butter and jelly sandwich is vegemite and cheese. Yuck. But then again, he thought the idea of putting fruit jelly with peanut butter was utterly disgusting.

  • Fuyu

    Nesquik Thin Mint milk. Saw it at a drug store and I had no idea how to react to the idea so I had to get it. On the plus side, it tastes exactly like Thin Mints. On the terrible side, perfectly liquified Thin Mint flavor is kind of horrifying because part of the cookie is it's texture.

  • Teska

    The liquid suckers. Just think of the consistency of that.

    But as a candy-holic, it was delicious. If I didn't have to worry about my kids wanting it too, I'd buy it and eat it.

  • ducky

    The Uwe Boll produced Far Cry movie. I mean, he's already infamous enough and I wanted to see how bad said movie was.

  • CrazyDiamond

    HD sunglasses. Lol they tint everything yellow, like your watching the movie 300