  • LacquerCritic (edited 8 years ago)

    10 years because I'm not really that brave and I've heard women back in the day didn't have it so great. I like computers and being able to write with authors around the world with ease and videos and high speed internet and being able to vote and not diving into the middle of World War I. And the year 1000-ish sounds pretty dicey to me, although I admit to just going by Wikipedia on that one (I also like Wikipedia).

    Uh. Scratch the above. I would travel 10 years into the future because by a 100 years I'll probably be an antiquated old kook with horrifically backwards ideas about humanity as a whole. Much like how we look back at lead cosmetics and mercury-filled hats with horror, the people 100 years from now will probably gag as I talk about donating blood, taking artificial hormones that leach into our water systems, or some other massive faux pas my generation is committing. A 1000 years from now I'd probably be put in a cage since there's no one around who can speak 2000-era English any longer!

    • Qukatt

      cough into the future cough

      • LacquerCritic

        I am genuinely trying to find some reason that I entirely misread that question, but...I've got nothing. Thank you for being so graceful though.

        • Qukatt

          Just blame it on lack of sleep like I do ;)