  • racerxonclar

    To make a very long and fucked up story shorter...
    Family friend and trusted figure by a lot of people was found out to have been sexually molesting his adopted daughter for the past 18 years, cheating on his wife, doing illegal drugs, actively pitting people against each other just for the hell of it. Cherry on top? One of the people he was cheating on his wife with was my age and someone I had a pretty huge crush on. And he's still the only person I can think of that would have stolen my $400 pool cue.

    That was... yeah, heart breaking. Soul crushing even. The closest I've ever been (and hopefully ever will be) to suicidal.

    • IridescentOak

      Wow, man, I'm sorry that happened. It really hurts when someone you trust/like turns out to be the exact type of person you tell your kids to stay away from. :(

      I hope that things have gotten better with you and the community involved.

      • racerxonclar

        I pretty much just left that group of people entirely. The fact that his wife supposedly got back with him once he got out of prison is just further proof that everyone in that circle is mentally retarded.

        Even being a pervy person that's generally okay with a lot of taboo things (poly relationships, threesomes, I'd even be lying if I said I didn't find the idea of incest kinda hot)... molesting an adopted daughter as a little kid is just fucked up. Even my sexual deviance can't okay that. Not to mention the ton of active manipulation.