
What's a common behavior that totally disgusts you?

What's a common behavior that totally disgusts you?

8 years ago by kiltman with 4 comments

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  • jenjen1352

    Seeing somebody pick their nose. I always wonder why my eyes/brain can't make me look another way instead.

  • smithcmau

    Spitting and grabbing ones crotch in public. Nobodies balls need that kind of attention, 24 hours a day.

  • SuperCyan

    People getting upset that cashiers are asked to not say "Merry Christmas" to their customers.

    I saw that stupid Starbucks thing, where people were asking others to tell the barrista that their name was "Merry Christmas," so they would be forced to say it, and it kinda pissed me off. America was never a "Christian nation," like the supporters keep parroting; we have a whole rule in our Constitution that specifically says that Church and state are to be kept separate. I cannot fathom why someone would be so upset about hearing "Happy Holidays," that they would try to start a movement over it. Are they so fragile, that not hearing something in favor of their own beliefs upsets them that much?

    There's no group of Jews starting #OperationHappyHanukkah, or West Africans trying to get people to say "Happy Kwanzaa" - it's only a Christian thing. It's not really a thing against Christianity - there's just a problem with people getting too smug being the majority religion. Just because a bunch of people agree with you on some level doesn't mean you get to start a shitstorm when you take something way too seriously.

  • SuperCyan

    People getting upset over trivial things and attacking people, that have no control over the issue, because of it.

    I work in the food industry, and have family that work in retail, and it happens on a daily basis. Something will not be 100% correct, or the aggressor will read something wrong, and whatever cashier gets to take a relentless barrage of anger and vitriol, because a fucking coupon expired or something. It's not even just being bothered by a problem - it's the degradation and abuse that the people, that have no say in anything, that's sickening.

    When you're a full-grown adult and you're berating some 17 year old clerk, to the point that she's in tears, because you can't fathom that the price tag refers to something under it rather than above it, you have really fucked up somewhere and need to sit down and rethink your life.