  • TheEnglishMajor

    As an adult, The Orphanage probably affected me most as far as trouble getting to sleep. Something about the nature of the "truth" that's revealed toward the end just...

    It's a sad, tragic, slowly-creeping kind of "oh-god-not-that" horror, where your horror-AT-the-situation lingers longer than the immediate "OH-SHIT-DUCK!" horror-IN-the-situation that's the core of most scary movies.

    That being said, my first experience with a horror movie was watching The Ring, alone, ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT, when I was 13. So, that was a full week of abject terror that can't really be topped by anything else, considering its circumstances.

    • ryn

      Agreed - it was just equal parts horrifying and heartbreaking. It's one of those movies that just haunts you for a long, long time afterwards.

      • TheEnglishMajor

        That's exactly it -- the heartbreak. It's awful. (And wonderful, since it's a safe way to experience that heartbreak!)

    • zyrthofar

      El Orfanato was indeed something! The suspense in that scene when the medium is walking through the house, followed by camera. Wow :).

      • TheEnglishMajor

        For me, it's the staircase. The staircase, those first thumping sounds and what they mean, and the AMOUNT OF TIME the answer is just sitting there, alone, waiting to be found.

        Also, the connections to Peter Pan are incredibly fun/awful/but really, fun. :D

        • natnatskie

          Yup, the staircase scene did it for me. I couldn't sleep that night.

          Also high-five, fellow English major! :D