
What website is screwed up beyond repair?

Other than reddit of course :P

8 years ago by aj0690 with 12 comments

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  • massani

    There is this beautiful Space Jam website from 1996.

    • ColonBowel

      come on and slam

    • frohawk

      Sweet Jesus I just downloaded the trailer.

      I am making some sweet sweet gifs

  • zerozechs

    Facebook. Design wise, it's an absolute mess. It's hard to know when or if new comments are there because Facebook's algorithms choose what you see despite your desires otherwise. Means you have to visit every single friend's page to see if they posted something (I've got friends that never show up on my feed, despite constantly posting things that I go and see).

    Their response system is also screwed up; good luck having a conversation in response to a news article. It's like pissing in a dark suit.. it might make you feel better, but no one is going to notice it.

    I'd also say YouTube is a mess, but it's recoverable. There's some mystery meat navigation going on there that I don't like, and it would be a lot better if it just showed you the newest videos of the people you subscribe to in a single feed at the top of the "main page", but they haven't figured out the blindingly obvious yet.

    • BucksinSixxx

      IMO if they removed comments from YouTube, it would be a more bearable website. Just have users @ you on twitter or reply to the post on Facebook. I'm happy TotalBiscuit doesn't allow comments on his videos, but it's a shame he wants me to go to reddit.

    • Tangentlove

      I know and everyone thinks mark zuckerberg is a genius. he is a one hit wonder and his one hit is getting pretty old.

  • ColonBowel

    Yahoo! answers political section. It's a bunch of morons and idiots trolling each other.

    • BucksinSixxx

      It's a bunch of morons and idiots trolling each other.

      So Yahoo! Answers in general then?

  • BucksinSixxx

    Most social networks. The amount of spam is unbearable.

  • Xeno


    I used to be an active member on this site, but it was really frustrating because it's inundated with old, conservative farts.

  • AnotherFuture

    MySpace. It still exists, but its main user base had left years ago and it is permanently behind Facebook and Tumblr (which is arguably MySpace 2.0), as well as Bandcamp and Soundcloud for musicians.

  • NotWearingPants


    The mods of the large subs are heavily censoring content (most likely, for pay). The admins are trying to monetize. And the users are getting sick of both.