  • leetmoaf

    It depends on what you mean by politically knowledgeable. Three possibilities come to mind when you talk about "being knowledgeable about politics".

    1. If you're talking strictly about knowing about current events within government in general, and how informed that I am about said government, then I'm an uneducated peasant.

    2. If you're talking about how much I know about a government's inner workings, then I'm slightly more knowledgeable, but still not aware of a lot.

    3. This case is more about political action and repercussions of said actions, not specifically pertaining to government. Since it's not strictly about government, I would consider myself fairly knowledgeable in certain interests that I have that relate to this. for instance, I know quite a bit about the Edmonton Oilers NHL team's recent shift in management and why it's helping the team move forward (finally).