
What is something you are really good at but also dislike doing?

9 years ago by 8mm with 10 comments

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  • SuperCyan

    I'm really good at doing dishes at work, but I hate doing them.

    You can give me a bunch of dishes and some music, and I'll have them finished in no time. On a heavy day, I can bust out all of them in maybe an hour and a half to two hours. On a slow day, maybe an hour will get them all done. I've had all my managers get really happy, because they'll walk me back there, then come back to an almost empty dish room. I think there's only one or two people that might be better than me, but I've been told that I'm one of the best.

    I hate it though. The aprons that they have are just basically another shirt on you to get wet. The soap makes my skin itch after a while. It's so isolated in there, and the only time someone else comes back there is to give you more things to wash. Every night, I get asked to do them, because they know I can do them really quickly, but I just don't want to. I don't hate it as much as everyone else, but it's just annoying doing it every night.

  • Qukatt

    Driving. I hate driving with a passion.

  • bierluvre

    I'm really good at teamwork and bridging individuals who would otherwise never be able to compromise with each other. I also played team sports in high school and have held (been elected to) various lead positions in the workplace. In reality I would rather work alone as I feel I am considerably more productive that way. I realize the value in teamwork and I know that one person can't "do it all" but honestly teamwork sucks.