  • Najos

    I've had a few weird ones that stick out. This first one is from my childhood, not sure how I still remember it:

    I'm in an old-school diving suit, something like this, but I'm not underwater. Instead I'm in some sort of cave system with little islands surrounded by lava. I'm bouncing around in this weird diving suit thing like there's no gravity and I have no idea what I'm doing there or anything. That's all I really remember, but I remember it vividly and I had this dream over two decades ago.

    Another strange one from my childhood: I'm in my neighborhood and no one else is around. All of the houses are empty, but I have this weird sense of foreboding, that something is chasing me. In the dream I know it is some sort of werewolf creature, but I don't recall ever seeing it. I'm freaking out and running all over the neighborhood and eventually I go into my best friend's house and hide in a room filled with blankets and pillows. I can hear the werewolf getting closer to me and right before he opens the door, I find a trumpet of some sort in the blankets and blow it. That's all I remember, but I've always assumed the trumpet scared the werewolf away or something?

    And finally, the dream from this morning that prompted this question: I was in a bar and I asked for a shot watermelon Pucker, up (that means no shaken and strained without ice). I ordered a mixer that tastes terrible, that's used to make shooters, as if it were worthy of sipping. So, so weird, especially considering I used to bartend and just can't see myself ordering this at all. I woke up right after the dream, completely baffled by it.