  • LacquerCritic

    I don't keep a physical journal; one of my best friends got burned by her practice of writing honestly and frequently in her journal and I wouldn't want that to happen to me. That being said, my presence on various interactive communities is sort of a journal in its own way - I put a lot of myself out there. I can look at stuff from years ago with anywhere from awe to mild disgust. It's hard to believe that was me.

    • ColonBowel

      I had a journal in high school that we kept as an assignment for class. The teacher wouldn't read it;she would scan through in front of us it looking at the dates and length of the entries to make sure we were doing them. Mine was stolen and read by a bunch of kids. In it, I had wrote about how I liked a girl, the interactions we had, and how I was building the courage to ask her out. They made fun of me for it, including her brother and she totally found out. I ended up changing schools for something completely unrelated, but I like my new school more. The initial school was full of assholes.

    • schrodingersman

      I do find that is one thing I worry about with my journal. I find that I can't be totally honest or upfront about everything I want to. Just in case the unthinkable happens even if it is only a small chance. It would be nice to not have to worry about it as I feel it would make my journaling more productive.