
Why does everyone hate on Florida?

8 years ago by bradd with 8 comments

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  • rockandroll

    I think a lot of it has to do with Dave Barry's articles about Florida being weird, then it turned into a recurring joke.

    • BlankWindow

      I recently had it explained to me that in FL there is an obsession in the media to over report on the weirdest things that happen in the state. Makes sense with the reputation it has gotten and all the strange stories that seem to come out of there.

      • rockandroll

        That makes quite a bit of sense. A lot of hilarious news stories do come from there, that's probably why.

        • redalastor

          And they all start with "Florida man" so it's funny to imagine it's some kind of weird hero named Florida Man.

  • Xeno

    The news stories that come out of Florida are always wack. People getting beat with a burrito at Taco Bell, Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman....

  • pitaenigma

    I'll be honest, it's better than Ohio.

    But other than that, it's kind of a murder capital where my people send their elders once they retire. Not exactly anyone's idea of paradise.

    • BucksinSixxx

      Yeah, it just seems like crime ridden hell hole with old people. At least that's what mainstream media portrays it as.

      I don't hate it, I can't. I've never been there.