
What is your dream career?

9 years ago by Rikka with 30 comments

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  • Endymion

    A career in deep-space mining.

    • dynamite

      Bruce Willis is that you??

    • cannon

      You and me both. I have tons of idea for deep space mining drones.

  • moottranslation

    A career at a church as a Prayer Director. I would organize all prayer events, teach the congregation how to pray, organize prayer/worship nights, and basically just get to love on people through the power of prayer.

  • Wenjarich

    I've just qualified with my diploma in Mechanical engineering and will be starting an internship next month. But my dream career involve me making things in a workshop. Essentially building things with my hands. I am actually on my path to that I think. I have started a side business, which I do in the weekends, that has potential to allow me to build up the tools and equipment for my workshop. Then hopefully I can slowly move from doing handyman work, which I enjoy as well, to more building and selling things I make. The problem is I kind of want to just make whatever project is on my mind. So it doesn't really have the consistency one would need for a career, so I may just keep it as a hobby.

    My big dream? Is to one day design and build my own private plane. I have already started reading aeronautic design text books :P

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  • NameTaken

    My dream is to become a photographer doing what I love most or work in a media team.

    • Rhumanity

      this is a close second for me :)

  • massani

    An astronaut :)

    I just love space and I think it would be so cool to be able to float and look at the stars without all that gross pollution. I come from a Navy family and my dad was a navigator. Becoming a pilot would be close, and he said there was a program that allows you to become an astronaut candidate. I just don't know if that program even exists considering the whole loss of the Space Shuttle program. My parents knew a pilot that went that route, William McCool, but unfortunately he died in the Columbia disaster in 2003.

  • Tempest

    I would love to open my own restaurant and work as a chef there because I really like cooking. But I'm a teacher and don't have the money to open a restaurant.

    • Rhumanity

      I bet you'd be damn good at it if you did... maybe you could start teaching Home Ec. if they still provide that nowadays, our poor children are so deprived when it comes to education on the things that matter in life... like, I don't know, surviving, knowing how to cook, clean, fill out an application, file their taxes, be on time, do their own laundry, sew a patch on a shirt or even a button!... etc etc etc. I know it's the parent's job but a lot of parents weren't even taught themselves how to do it.

  • KingAztek

    My dream career would be a professional orchestral musician. There are other things I like doing, but my passion for music performance is insurmountable

  • zants

    Absolutely anything at a startup. I just want to be in the scene no matter what the job is.

    • Rhumanity

      I'd rather be the beta tester than the alpha tester lol I'll wait til they work out the bugs, thank you, but man, you have some balls to go in on the ground level like that, kudos to you!

  • Cloptologist

    Volcano God.

    • Rhumanity

      you need to find the person who's dream is to build a time machine, you two could probably work something out ;)

  • snapchopsuey (edited 9 years ago)

    A shaman who is a faith healer/ medicine man who also uses art therapy, talk therapy, yoga, communing with nature, and perhaps massage therapy. Basically I'd have wounded people ('wounded' in every possible sense) practice art therapy in a way that integrates that with 'healing' medicine (whatever is necessary for the individual), alongside talk therapy as the basis of healing. Yoga and communing with nature (perhaps hiking, drum circle around a campfire, whatever works for the individual) would help center the individual and lower stress, and massage therapy for individuals who have extreme levels of stress. All of this would be in a 'summer camp' or 'rehab' sort of setting.

    If I'm not cut out for that, my backup dream career would be a handyman/woodworker/farmer working a 20 hour week in a village where the art therapy shaman career exists and is affordable for everyone.

    • Rhumanity

      I followed you after this comment, you rock!

  • VoyagerXyX

    My dream career would be to have a museum much like the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, NY filled with toys, games, video games, and other physical entertainment from the 1900's to now. Mostly 70's, 80's, and 90's stuff. Amazing. If I could curate a museum for the West Coast like that, that would be the dream.

  • priok

    I want to be a German and Russian language teacher. I'm having some trouble with general education requirements at college, but I think it'll be alright.

  • imnotgoats (edited 9 years ago)

    Voice actor or graphic designer.

    Edit: or musician or game designer (which can sort of incorporate all of those, which is why I learned to code and started making my own games).

  • Rhumanity (edited 9 years ago)

    Honestly, something in the Art field, I love it and love looking at everyone else's talents and having time to spend on working on enhancing my own strengths.

    wow, after reading everyone else's dreams I am torn, you are all so amazing and have wonderful dreams.

  • sic

    Tons of stuff. But in the end, I believe the greatest cause for a human being to work for in our times would be to help humanity become an interplanetary species.

    We do have enough problems on earth, but that will never change - at least not in time before some global catastrophe. Spreading out to other planets would not only help avoid extinction but would also provide us with new chances to set up better social environments with less social complications and require some major technological advances.

  • ImNotASchizo

    To work on a deep mine/self awereness robot. I'm really facinated by this subject so that must be my dream job. Oooor... making self-driving cars

  • racerxonclar

    Hmm... game design adviser? I've never really seen myself being able to just come up with a full game design from the ground up... but I always seem to see things in other games that are just off. Nothing frustrates me more than seeing games with tons of potential fall flat on their face because they didn't realize how close they were to something amazing or pushed the game the wrong direction. Would be amazing to have the ability to swoop in and give some advice, push them back to something amazing, and egg them on to push their limits.

    Not sure anything like that exists, really. So, game design is the slightly more possible dream.

    • sic

      You may want to check out ExtraCredits. They run a YouTube Channel about that and James there pretty much does exactly what you're explaining for a living.