
Your username is now the name of a new mobile app. What does it do?

9 years ago by spacepopper with 7 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    It scans booze and tells you the fastest and cheapest place to buy it.

  • bkool

    A weather app that tells you when it's gonna be too hot to go out anywhere.

  • LacquerCritic

    My app would be kind of like Instagram but only for manicures. It was auto-detect manicure flaws and give you shit about them. The app would probably make money by giving you links to stuff on Amazon that could improve your manicure (with referral codes, of course): "Looks like you could use some Q-tips, betch." The premium version would read out criticisms to you in a snooty British voice.

  • mcoorlim

    Named after me? More of an anti-social app. I'm the only one on it.

  • Chubros

    Another messaging app but only for your bros.

  • Grassgrows (edited 9 years ago)

    It wouldn't be very interesting..that's for sure...A live feed of a webcams in random peoples' gardens pointed at their lawn! You are able to rotate the webcam, zoom in, take still images and compare the photos to previously taken ones, days, weeks, months ago! Watch that good grass GROW!

    I should patent that..