  • racerxonclar

    The day space travel is as mundane as today's plane trip.

    • Wenjarich

      I agree, although, for some reason the idea of getting on a regular ship seems to give me unease because the idea of the idea that there just being only ocean everywhere if something goes wrong. I feel like this would be even worse in a spaceship considering if you have no oxygen and suit you will die instantly.

      Yes I am aware that an aeroplane has a drop that would almost definitely kill you, I don't know why that doesn't bother me. :P

      • FurtWigglepants

        You say this as if people don't have the same fear of airplanes.

        • Wenjarich

          I meant it all just simply from my own perspective. As in I'm not sure if I would want to go on the spaceship. Like I said, I have no idea why airplanes don't bother me. haha :P