  • septimine

    I think for me it's the convenient solution that shouldn't be there and only exist to make the good guys meet or win.

    Star Trek reboot actually did this twice. First, Kirk gets kicked out of the ship onto I-can't-believe-it's-not-Hoth where it just so happens old Spock is waiting. Then it just so happens that they meet Scotty who invents a way to beam Kirk back to the ship. I mean come on, I hate that because they didn't even try to come up with a logical reason for old Spock to be on the planet, or for an obscure (at the time) engineer to be able to do with chewing gum and an Apple Ii what an entire nation with quadrillion dollar budgets can't do. It doesn't have to be a great reason, just not "herp derp because it's what we need to happen "

    • cailihphiliac

      Did they "just so happen to" meet Scotty? I thought Spock took Kirk to meet him because Spock knew that would help all the situations.