
What is your earliest memory?

Mine is when I lost batteries for the TV remote after being told not to play with it. I cried for hours. They ended up being under the couch.

8 years ago by canuck with 7 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    I was three years old, not too long before my fourth birthday. I ran out of the kitchen of my childhood home (my parents didn't move until after all the kids were gone) through the dining room and into the living room where I jumped onto the couch and knelt there for five minutes to stare out the window. I have no idea what motivated me to do so, and I've always found it curious that my impression of life before then was simply nothing. It's like that was the instant the last necessary connection was made and my consciousness finally kicked in.

  • fanficmistress

    My earliest one was at preschool, Montessori to be exact. I just remember my parents picking me up by some lockers. My earliest most vivid memory was from kindergarten when I was in the library crying because I was supposed to be going to daycare but a mix up was keeping me at school.

  • Gozzin

    Walking towards a couch where the adults were sitting and I was eye level with the top cushions of the couch.

  • Qukatt

    I remember my uncle brought me a tube of smarties when they first added the blue ones in. I must have been about 2 or 3

  • racerxonclar

    I think I was about 2 years old... so 24 years ago. I remember the room that had been basically turned into a playpen for me where my parents worked. Concrete floor with a rug, I think the walls were also concrete, and a floor full of various brightly colored toys. There's something fuzzy about a ball rolling under a palette near one of the printing machines but I'm not sure if that's from the same period or a few years later.

    I used to actually have a memory from the womb, but that's faded away to the point I basically just have a memory of a memory.

  • massani

    Thinking an older Muslim man was Santa Claus.... ahh, the curiosity of a 4-year old.

  • snakepaws

    There's a few scattered, but one being at my grandparents house (I must've been no older than 3), and seeing my mom reading a romance novel. I asked if it was about a person that fell into a river and was saved by a log. My mom said it was.