  • zerozechs

    Since the show was running on multiverse theory and that they just got to an Earth at the same time that still had dinosaurs (meteor missed), I figured that the terra nova planet is like a "core" multiverse point that connects to a lot of different universes. Lots of room for strange things coming through portals, like the ship's prow out in the badlands.

    • snakepaws

      That was my general take. Something like an explanation for the Bermuda Triangle, etc - "this is where all those missing ships and planes over the years end up." Another weird thought I was spitballing back when it ended: what if they hadn't gone back in time, but to a very distant future in which civilization had disappeared, and large animals began to emerge again. Of course, the wood from the ship wouldn't make sense in that theory.

      I'm definitely with you on your thoughts though. I just really wish they'd been given a chance to really flesh it out.