
Snapzu, I miss Grooveshark! Where do you go to listen to music?

9 years ago by hallucigenia with 17 comments

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Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • idlethreat

    I loved Grooveshark. It's a shame they closed up shop right after implementing their HTML5 interface. Liked it so much better than the flash one.

    I hopped to Spotify after Grooveshark. The wife already has a VIP account, so I just log in as her and stream music.

    • hallucigenia

      Spotify costs money, though, right?

      • DCSpud

        It's 50% off with a .edu email.

      • Fuyu

        Free with adds. On desktop it's pretty much like Grooveshark was. On Mobile it's like Pandora since you don't have the option to select specific songs.

      • rosellem

        Yeah, there's a reason grooveshark is no more. You're going to have to go for either ads or money.

      • idlethreat

        Free with ads, or you can get it for 10 bucks a month with no ads, unlimited skipping, etc. They have 3 months for 99 cent special right now. You could sign up for a buck and see if you hate it. If you do, then you're just out a buck for the experience.

  • FishKnight (edited 9 years ago)

    It is no Grooveshark, but I moved to Songza for times when I want to listen to a certain type of music. They have a bunch of playlists organized by activities, genres, moods, decades.

  • ISO

    Personally I love Google Play Music. The $10 a month can be a bit steep for some people but I justify it with the fact that if I find at least one albums worth of music a month than the service is worth what I pay. Granted there are some months that I find more than one, as well as months that I don't find any, but I still like the style and service I get for the money. Also allows me to save the music on my phone to save on mobile data and keep the quality higher.

  • anonycon

    The true successor to Grooveshark is StreamSquid. They get around the rules by using small youtube videos in the corner, but other than that, it's very similar to Grooveshark. Not quite a usable, though.

  • microfracture

    Lately I've pretty much just been using Spotify to listen to everything while at the computer.

  • Boop

    At work or at a desktop computer, I use Spotify. It's easy to access any song you want, or listen to well put together playlists.

    When I'm in a particular mood, or am looking for a particular genre, or just don't know what the hell to listen to, I love 8tracks. It's just playlists from songs from a bunch of sources: YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. and you can discover some great music.

    And well, that leads me to my other source: SoundCloud. You can find tons of great music that might not be on the radio or on Spotify or whatever. A lot of the music on there come from regular people who like to make music. Some of the music you will find here will end up on the radio months down the road. So it's kind of cool to find it before it gets big.

  • madjo

    Instead of Spotify, I use Deezer, but it's basically the same thing. It just came with my cellphone plan. And otherwise I go to soundcloud or youtube to find music.

  • Juqu

    Spotify, radio or youtube. All music I listen comes from one of those.

  • rataerix

    I use spotify and pay for the premium