Text Post: What is your view on religion? posted by 1D10T
  • imokruok
    • Moderator

      All the churches filled with losers, psycho or confused

      Always crack up at this line because of how accurately it describes my experience with church.

      Also, saw them live a few years back. Great show — favorite part was the popping of the balloon penis, which subsequently flew around overhead in a frenzy of deflation.

    • 1D10T




      • Moderator


        But of Montreal is genius. That whole album (Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?) is a pop masterpiece.

      • imokruok

        a song about god and religion that sums up my feelings about god and religion in regards to the question you presented in this thread. no good?

        • 1D10T

          It went over my head, mate.