  • anonycon

    I have a great love for old time radio shows. I have bought CDs of hundreds of old Jack Benny and Sherlock Holmes radio shows and they are an absolute blast. It was really funny, how it came about. I remember old Disney movies, and seeing the name Phil Harris from a few of the movies. He had a distinctive voice and was in more than one Disney movie. The my Dad for tapes of four old shows, and one of them, Jack Benny, featured Phil Harris, and that distinctive voice made it clear it was the same Phil Harris.

    That stuck with me, and when I started looking it up again as an adult, it was amazing to find CDs with hundred of old Jack Benny radio shows. As a history nut, it was fascinating to hear references to historical events or politicians in a current sense, hearing about the war in a "realtime" sense, rather than historical, hearing about older products, and jokes which would be very unacceptable now. Jack Benny is such a fun show and was amazingly popular, I really don't know how he was forgotten so quickly. But being an OTR guy starting in my 20s was very unusual.