
What comedy movie do you love, but everyone else seems to hate?

Humor is subjective!

8 years ago by Zeus with 9 comments

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  • papervoid (edited 8 years ago)

    The Matrix.

    Edit: Hah. I'm an idiot. This isn't a comedy.

    I actually very much enjoyed This is the End, then again I also saw it in a theater that served alcohol.

    • AdelleChattre

      Remember that guy whose superpower was making really good desserts?

  • Traveler (edited 8 years ago)

    The Magic Christian, a 1969 British comedy film directed by Joseph McGrath and starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr, with noteworthy appearances by John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Raquel Welch, Spike Milligan, Christopher Lee, Richard Attenborough and Roman Polanski.


  • Zeus (edited 8 years ago)

    Dinner for Schmucks (2010). I'm a sucker for movies where a comedian disappears into a character, films like Zoolander, Waterboy, even Joe Dirt. They're silly, but it's a good kind of silly. And you get to see them act, rather than just playing themselves. Well, Dinner for Schmucks has Steve Carell doing a really weird, off-putting man-child. Paul Rudd plays straight man. And a delightful cast of side characters add a lot of color (Chris O'Dowd, Kristen Schall, Jemaine Clement, Zach Galifianakis).

    So you know how I like my comedies silly? Well, a big problem I have with most comedies is how they get super serious in the last act. It makes no sense to me. Horror movies don't spend the last 30 minutes being funny, and dramas don't spend the last 30 minutes being cheery. So why do so many comedies suddenly turn serious towards the end? They abandon laughs in favor of wrapping up plotlines (romantic entanglements, etc.) that no one really cares about.

    Dinner for Schmucks takes the opposite approach. I won't spoil it for anyone, but let's just say the end of this movie is an insane celebration of wacky comedy. Only the last five minutes are spent on serious stuff, and even then its' undercut with humor.

  • TNY

    The Interview. It was hilarious.

  • jenjen1352

    Ruthless People. I miss the 80s.

    • Zeus

      I love that movie! Used to watch it all the time when I was growing up. Judge Reinhold was so funny back then. And wasn't Bill Pullman playing like, a clueless blond surfer dude, or something?

      • jenjen1352

        He was in it, yep. I always think of the clown mask scene. :)