  • neg8ivezero

    I completely understand where you are coming from, honestly. However, if our goal is truly to allow new users to successfully integrate into the existing community without backlash or bringing bad habits with them, we must hold their hand a bit and unfortunately that means that while large numbers of Reddit users are coming to Snapzu, we will have to see the same things said over and over again to the new users. It would be great if we didn't have to tell them anything and they could find the FAQ and TOS on their own but most people wont take that initiative and it is in our best interest to kindly help them integrate properly. Taking an attitude of "Stop XP farming and use the search function." will only serve to start arguments where there really shouldn't be any.

    That all being said, I understand how seeing the same posts day in and day out gets frustrating and I am sorry if it has impacted your experience here as I am one of the dreaded refugees that posted some of those threads. As a point of interest, however, the people who kindly welcomed me and linked me to the FAQ/TOS really made me feel at home here and helped me learn the ropes.