  • Mumford

    Not sure how to ask this without it seeming like "herp derp, who cares if I offend someone", but it is really out of genuine curiosity...

    are my votes (up or down) somehow visible to others, either globally or to the person being voted on?

    • zaywolfe

      If it doesn't exist, I wouldn't be against it being added. If Snapzu values more quality discussion, the need to be responsible with your voting habits, because they're visible, would seem to align with this. But I may be wrong.

      • cmagnificent

        There's been some discussion of it over in ideas for Snapzu and elsewhere. There are some really good points as to why identifying where a down vote came from would be a bad reason as it opens the door for abusive of harassing PMs and the like and the down vote does have a legitimate function so it would be poor form to make people "afraid" of down voting something even if it's for a good reason.

        I'm still torn on the issue, but at the very least make it mandatory to specify a reason for the down vote. If there are a couple that indicate it's in the wrong tribe, then the poster knows how to fix it.

    • picklefingers (edited 8 years ago)

      As in, can we see that you personally voted on someones post? No. It is completely anonymous. Though there has been suggestions tossed around for people's usernames to be displayed when downvoting snaps in order to encourage people to only downvote snaps that they would be willing to defend their downvotes for.