  • rothelys

    I also see this as a strong point for a good community, but my first and so far only snap got downvoted with no reason.

    • LacquerCritic

      I went to find your snap to see if I could spot anything that might have reasonably warranted a downvote, but I couldn't see even a hint of a good reason - you got your downvote from someone viewing the /t/music page, but that's really where your snap best fit in. Sorry you had that happen to you - I really liked it.

      • rothelys

        Thanks for checking it out. I just deal with it since I don't really care about a random downvote. Glad you liked it.

      • Teakay

        That's the tribe that my only down vote has come from, as well. I wonder if someone just really hates seeing music they don't like...

    • Zorgon

      I just took a quick look and noticed you put it into videos. I think it's more suitable for a music tribe since it just had a stagnant picture. I dig it though - it's pretty groovy.

      • LacquerCritic

        The strange thing is that he got his downvote from someone who was viewing his snap on the music tribe itself, which makes the least sense of all.

        • zaywolfe

          How do you see where the votes come from?

        • HiddenSage
          @zaywolfe -

          For posts with links, there's an "analysis" list on the right side of the screen that breaks down the net upvotes by tribe. It's really handy for seeing not only who is viewing your material, but where it's fitting in.

        • LacquerCritic
          @zaywolfe -

          When a snap is first posted, it'll have a little bar graph thing on the right. A fresh snap with no votes yet looks like this. As people vote on it, the snap keeps track of where those votes come from - if someone sees the snap while browsing their front page, the vote will be added to that bar. If someone downvotes from /t/music, the /t/music bar will decrease. See screenshot of rothelys snap here. This shows that most of his upvotes came from people viewing his snap from their front page or live feed. The empty /t/music bar shows that someone downvoted it on the /t/music page.

          Note: this also affects how the vote counts are displayed. For instance, I have a music video snap that has received two upvotes, screenshot here. However, it didn't receive any of those upvotes from /t/music, so when you go to the /t/music page it doesn't show that it has received any upvotes because within the music tribe, it hasn't. Screenshot here.

      • rothelys

        I really didn't know where else to put it. It's groovy indeed.

    • zaywolfe (edited 9 years ago)

      Aww I love electroswing. I've never heard this song either.