  • IridescentOak

    For me, drugs.

    A month or so ago, I wouldn't have been able to say this with much certainty at all. But after finally having beaten PAWS, I can now proudly say that my days of drug use are over.

    Until urged to quit by my wonderful fiance after near-death from overdose 5 months ago, I had been a heavy opiate user for about 2 years; opiates were just a part of life for me. But at his pleading, I realized that something had to change. So, I decided to throw out every last pill I had, and forbade myself to buy more.

    It was miserable. I honestly didn't think I was going to make it, what with horrible withdrawals and intense opiate cravings lasting for days and days, seemingly with no end in sight. But with the constant, unwavering support of my dear fiance, I did make it. And now, I'm 5 months clean and have never felt better, both physically and mentally. I can say without a doubt, opiate use will never be in my future again.