  • zerozechs

    Eh, pretty normal stuff; mouth breathing, chewing with their mouth open etc. Omega males tend to bother me a lot, actually.

    • Chinky

      What's an Omega Male?

      • zerozechs

        Think of the positive traits of Alpha Males and Beta Males. Take all of those away. Now you have an Omega male.

    • frohawk

      Where I trawl around in the Internet, Omega males means something COMPLETELY different.

      • zerozechs

        Okay, I'll bite. What did you think of as being Omega Males?

        • frohawk (edited 9 years ago)

          If this scars you too badly, apologies.

          Site excerpt:

          Omegas are generally lowest on the hierarchy (although in some fanworks Omegas are rare and prized). Male Omegas are self-lubricating and have the ability to become pregnant, sometimes referred to as being bred or mated. Lovers may form pair-bonds with a special connection with telepathic or empathetic qualities. Paired Alphas may be jealous and possessive of their mate, while the Omega may become submissive. Omegas and Alphas may go into heat and need to have sex; this may be the only time Omegas are fertile.

          • zerozechs


            • frohawk

              I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that isn't what you meant by omega males.