
What did you do today?

I had a fun day leading shitty children that thought they ran the place. Didn't take shit from any of them. Now I'm going home to have a drink and relax to a podcast till I get up tomorrow for another day with the same kids.

9 years ago by AinBaya with 17 comments

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  • VenStroto90

    Woke up extremely tired, then check on Snapzu and some of the subreddits of reddit.

  • aj0690

    Woke up at the crack of dawn, 2 coffees, walk the dog, eat breakfast, check Snapzu, answer PM's and surf... comment... commenting now...

  • beer4chuck

    Re-organized my garage, celebrated my wife's 50th birthday, mowed the lawn, and am currently drinking some Boston lager. Good day!

    • AinBaya

      Wow. Congrats and enjoy!

  • oystein

    I went out and had a coffee, then I went back home. Lazy sunday.

    • AinBaya

      That's so chilled. Nice coffee? What kind?

      • oystein

        Damn. He usually tells me what farm the coffee is from, but he forgot to tell me today. From the flavour, I presume it was Ethiopian.

  • PushPull (edited 9 years ago)

    Woke up, fed the multitude of animals we call pets, went for a 5 mile run, got showered, meditated for 30 minutes, met a potential client for about 20 minutes, made breakfast, and here I am on Snapzu. Going work in about two hours.

  • Guilhem

    Painted and assemble some more soldiers for the EMPEROR !

  • Cobbydaler

    Just back from seeing "Mr. Holmes". Highly recommended.

  • jcscher

    Came home from the Lake Erie Islands!

  • cailihphiliac

    Got my kid ready for her first day back at school after two weeks of holidays, opened two new mini bank accounts (you know how some people advocate the envelope system? where each time you get paid, you put money into different envelopes for different expenses like power bill, rent, groceries, etc, well my bank lets me have multiple accounts for that now), had a look around on snapzu, went op-shopping for jeans, came home with a handbag, school bag, and 25 kids' books, all for $7.50, had a late lunch (toast) and went on facebook, got my kid from school and helped her with homework, put a lasagna in the oven, and now I'm waiting for that to cook so we can have dinner and the kid can get to bed on time.

  • priok

    I swam in my apartment complex's pool this morning

  • madjo

    I watched a lot of Netflix. Clueless followed by Clue, followed by Mean girls, followed by Kung-fu Panda 1 and 2.

    What I should've been doing was subtitle some more of Titansgrave. Nearly finished with chapter 5.

  • InfernoFire

    I went to my disability service which I am a client at. I worked on my maths and English skills first then went bowling and did okayish, had to use a ramp a couple of goes but got 70 first game and 75 second game but no strikes, had a hotdog and coke there. Then worked on my time and reading skills.

  • Teakay (edited 9 years ago)

    Slept in late, played TES:O for a little while, played with my dogs, spent far too long photographing a spider, ordered a couple of DS/3DS flashcarts, organized some ROMS, and packed up to head back to my apartment (after staying with my parents for the weekend). Hopefully later I'll make myself go to bed early enough to not be tired at 5:30 tomorrow morning.