  • Harold
    @drunkenninja -

    I had to force myself through the first couple of episodes whilst feeling embarrassed about watching it but then a switch flipped and I totally loved it. I'd recommend watching angel side by side when you get to that point. They are both fantastic. Buffy is more campy and fun, whereas Angel is a tad darker but they both have unforgettable characters.

    I find myself breaking out into songs from a particular episode almost daily now that I've completely embraced it.

    • BlueOracle
      @Harold -

      I had the same experience. I remember watching Buffy at a friends house and thinking it was so silly, but then it won me over. I find a lot of Joss Whedon's work to be like that. Maybe it's because his shows are so character driven and you have to get to know the characters? IDK.

      I find myself breaking out into songs from a particular episode almost daily...

      Even the skeezy cheese song? Be honest! ;)