  • pineapplepewpew

    It is a good move, sunblocks can be skin healthy even on cloudy or winter days and particularly if you live in an urban area. The blocks provide a barrier not only the sun but also the grit and dust around town. Too much makeup can be a little weird especially if the situation doesn't call for it. Although I've been known to put a little on even for the gym once in a awhile. :D

    • Moderator

      Word. I live in New York, and that's why I absolutely need the cleanser (or at least a really good scrubbing in the shower).

      Although I've been known to put a little on even for the gym once in a awhile. :D

      It's okay, isn't the gym just for showing off?

      • pineapplepewpew

        As a fellow new yorker this place is exactly what I mean when I say skin needs protection even beyond the sun.

        I won't pretend like it's reasonable to put on makeup for the gym but sometimes you just have to feel your best :)