  • xg549

    That's a hard question. I think mainly because I've been fortunate enough to live a generally happy life, so it's difficult to pin down one moment in memory that was particularly more happy than the rest.

    Though they're not super specific, I think it would come down to one of two types of moments. Before my ex and I broke up last year, there were many times where we would lay together in silence and just enjoy the feeling of having someone you love by your side. It's probably one of the most joyous feelings possible in the world.

    More recently, I've been really happy to think about my life in general and appreciate the fact that I'm absolutely in control of my future. I'm attending university for a program that fascinates me, setting me up to get jobs I will actually love to do, and because I have awesome parents who don't mind helping to support me, I'm already financially stable enough to make it through school without incurring tons of debt. The next decade is an endless sea of options and I know I have the power to turn my life into whatever I want with enough dedication, which is a pretty amazing feeling.