
I can't sleep with my arm hanging off the bed because I'm afraid something will grab it from under the bed -- what are you still afraid of that you shouldn't be?

9 years ago by desertjedi85 with 56 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    I still have an irrational fear of insects, I don't think I'll ever get over it.

    • pseudopsynic

      At a distance I'm cool.

      But as soon as one crawls on me I shriek like a little girl. Oh, and let's not forget the wild arm flailing as I'm running away... on second thought, yes. Let's do forget that.

      • worthlessgalaxy

        I have to pretend to be cool with handling insects in the house. They aren't that bad buy I would prefer that I didn't have to mess with them.

        • pseudopsynic

          Unfortunately, I'm the bug killer in the house. My wife and 2 boys are even worse than I am...

          So I have to deal with the bastards while they laugh at me. My family's cruel.

        • fanficmistress

          So does that mean you are the one to deal with them?

      • Gozzin

        I'm not afraid of insects, but if anything small crawls on me,I slap it without thinking or looking . Once I slapped a harmless lizard that had plopped on my arm..It was not hurt,but I sure felt guilty.

      • fanficmistress

        I am actually ok unless the insect is above me. Then I will be running and shrieking as far away as I can.

    • desertjedi85

      Same here, especially the tiny ones.

    • Xeno

      The way I start sweating when I see a bug in my house. It's awful.

      • desertjedi85

        Have you tried turning the AC up?

        • ColonBowel

          This is a good suggestion because it cools the air down.

  • pseudopsynic

    Having my back turned to a dark room. I get chills just thinking about it.

    • RedditExodus

      Me every time its dark. It's like I'm on high alert and when nothing happens my mind starts filling in the blanks.

      I think they call that a self fulfilling prophecy.

  • aj0690

    To this day I can't take a dump at night with the lights off without worrying about candyman.

    • cailihphiliac

      I thought he only appears if you say his name three times.

      If you're pooping in the dark, how do you know if you're done wiping? And if there's enough toilet paper?

  • massani (edited 9 years ago)

    Water deeper than my height. This most pertains to swimming in an ocean or lake, not a pool.

    There is just something extremely unsettling about that to me. It's not that I'm a bad swimmer or anything or don't love the water, but knowing that I can't touch the bottom really freaks me out. More so that there is x amount of water underneath me - the feeling of being helpless. That I'm this speck in the great, blue sea and it doesn't give a shit about my feelings. I don't think it's the creatures in the water or anything, but just that emptiness and vastness that I'm afraid of.

    EDIT: There is this painting or illustration that really creeps me out and sums up my fear. I've seen it before where people photoshop Cthulhu at the bottom or something, but I just can't find it!

    EDIT: Found it!

    • thinkerbell

      Oh god that photo is horrifying. I have the same fear as you- I've been afraid of deep water for as long as I can remember. Large pools haven't been as bad for me because you can see the bottom, but I still don't like them.

    • folkrav

      I can get your fear, but at the same time, as a deep-sea diver, I don't. I swam 80 feet under water just over the edge of a 300ft drop - basically that picture, but 80ft under - and it felt amazing to me!

  • ToixStory

    Okay, this is embarrassing, but as a little kid I was really into a lot of monster movies, books, tv shows, etc. (not vampires or werewolves, but cryptids like Mothman, Bigfoot, and aliens). Now, even many years later and as an adult I sometimes get a little tinge of fear that somehow Bigfoot is going to find his way to my house and get me. It's really, awfully embarrassing.

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • spectregris

    I get freaked out taking random pictures in my house, simply because I'm afraid that there will be a ghost or something captured in the background. Not a big selfie person...

    • desertjedi85

      They won't be in the background. They be behind you watching you take the picture.

  • fanficmistress

    I can't have any limbs off the bed either. I also have to run, jump, and then get under the covers as fast as possible when I flip the light off for the same reason of something grabbing me under the bed.

    • RedditExodus

      Omg, I do this.

      Every time.

      Thank god the covers are monster proof.

      • fanficmistress

        Yes they protect from all.

        • RedditExodus

          I might do that in a second, I was browsing peoples fears here and somebody mentioned mirrors and for some reason I mentioned my issue with an illustration and now I'm so fucking freaked out.

          Like I don't know if I will be able to sleep but the covers might help.

    • cailihphiliac

      Get a lamp for next to your bed. Turn the lamp on, the big light off, get into bed, then turn the lamp off. Also handy for if you want to read in bed.

  • Matime (edited 9 years ago)

    Mirrors are terrifying to me, mainly in the dark but nonetheless if I can avoid mirrors I'm more than happy to. I'm always afraid that the image in the mirror is going to lag behind my movement meaning there's either someone else on the other side or I'm going insane. Either way it wouldn't be pleasant. Dark windows also scare the ever living piss out of me. I can't sleep near windows unless I can't see the window. I have blackout curtains in my room so that I can sleep at night

    • Tempest

      When looking into the mirror, I often worry about seeing the corners of my mouth curl up into a scary smile, or seeing myself winking at me.

      • Matime

        Great thanks another thing to check for every time I brush my teeth. Oh god I'm like getting tears welling up in my eyes thinking about me lifting my arm to brush my teeth and just having my reflection smile without lifting its arm.

      • RedditExodus

        In this scenario I would both be terrified and want to break everything while also curious and wanting to talk to it/me/them. I have always wanted to have clones because I feel like I would make a better hive mind than an individual one...

    • RedditExodus

      I see him every time I look at those mirrors.

      No matter what angle I look at it I cant see his face. Every time I see my reflection my movements are "reflected" back without a face and it just seems so much like someone who is very, very good at imitation.

      It scares me to my core.

      I am dead serious about how much this shakes me up because I am crying so hard right now just from drawing it. Like I did something wrong and this is the part of the fairly tail that by acknowledging him I have given him permission.

      I am terrified to look at the mirrors now. God why did I draw that...

      • cailihphiliac

        Is this a copypasta?

        • RedditExodus

          What? I drew and wrote that based off of my two mirrors.

          I feel hurt.

          • cailihphiliac

            It doesn't make any sense. You look at part of a mirror, see part of your reflection and start crying from fear?

            It sounds like one of those 3scary5me things that reddit was full of for a while.

            • RedditExodus (edited 9 years ago)

              "What are you still afraid of that you shouldn't be?"

              It was even in the title, dude. You know what, you could say that about alot of the other comments here (anyone I'm about to quote I'm not trying to lessen your opinions/fears just make a point).


              "I still have an irrational fear of insects, I don't think I'll ever get over it."

              You could say that being afraid of insects doesn't make sense because while there are dangerous ones most of them just leave you alone.


              "Having my back turned to a dark room. I get chills just thinking about it."

              Why didn't you tell them how irrational getting chills from the dark is?


              "To this day I can't take a dump at night with the lights off without worrying about candyman."

              Why don't you tell them how "It doesn't make any sense" because candyman doesn't exist.


              You could say that about a lot of these, but why would you? Do you want to know my guess as to why I'm the only person I ever see getting comments like this?

              It's not because my comments are inappropriate or needlessly offensive: I look them over to make sure.

              It's not that they are out of place: I'll admit to someone removed from it and who does not share this irrationality that it might seem outlandish.

              I would have to say the only difference between what I say and what others have said is that when I came here I decided to go with the username /u/RedditExodus. The funny thing was it was more of a joke than anything, god knows it wasn't because Reddit had sculpted my behavior. I lurked for the most part with the occasional comment which would almost always get this kind of snarky, belittling response.

              When I came here I saw how nice the community was and how it indeed felt like a community (or at least it does while its still so small) and I thought I could try to not lurk as much. For the most part it is nice and I can lurk alot less.

              You're not the first person who has "called me out" for being "so Reddit like". I don't recall the first in detail because I deleted my comment. I thought for sure that I was at fault. That I was "acting like a Redditor and not a Snapzite but I didn't understand how. After a while of thinking about it I realized I hadn't said anything offensive, combative, out of place or overly snarky (which I will admit most of my humor is being a "smart" ass).

              I know this is a bad example because I can't provide proof since I had deleted it (his went something like "[something something something] leave your Reddit ways behindxp") but I guess if I need to prove everything I post then I will be sorely lacking...


              I just wanted to say I'm sorry but I found your comments sole purpose was to beltille what you saw in my comment (which was probably spurred by my choice of username) and so I have down voted it. I think this is the second down vote I have ever used since I joined.

            • cailihphiliac
              @RedditExodus -

              Insects are gross. Not scary, but creepy and should be avoided. The others were scared of what's in the dark. You're scared of your own reflection.

              If you had a less reddity name, I would have thought "That's stupid". But because you've made it so obvious you're a redditor, I thought "That's the kind of stupid crap I came to snapzu to get away from"

      • Matime

        And tonight the mirror has a blanket over it. Usually I can just face away from it but tonight. Nope you've done it friend. A blanket is dawned over the mirror.

        • RedditExodus

          I settled for screaming obscenities at it.

          I definately didnt cower in a corner before my suite mate got home.

  • Kysol

    Triffids - For the longest time I was scared of meteor showers causing loss of eye sight.

  • Wolfyz

    For me it's my basement. It's finished, but abandoned and mostly just storage. I have to pass through the finished section to reach the laundry room which is well lit, but the rest is in complete and blinding darkness. Years ago the drop ceiling lighting stopped working, and I'm unable physically or financially to fix them. In recent years, I developed severe neuropathy in my arms and legs, and can't race up the steps to get away from that darkness like I used too.

    Now it's just there, right behind me, breathing down my neck as I take one shaky step at a time. There's two doors in that room, one to the laundry room that is always open, and one to the garage that's rarely used. Two weeks ago, the door out to the garage opened and closed with a slam. Everyone in the house heard it, the garage door was securely locked.

    I hate my basement.

  • folkrav

    My father's place has a basement. It's entirely finished (except a small storage room, but that door is closed all the time), but it is pitch black at night. The computer was down there. I got to it by lighting pretty much every light on my way to it. When it was time to sleep and I had to close the lights behind me, I had to take a second to prepare, close the lights, and rush my way up there - always had that impression that there was a freaking ghost trying to catch and kill me.

    I still do it when I'm there...

  • PickledRhino

    Stinging insects and spiders. If I can see them I am good, as soon as I lose sight of one that was close I get pretty concerned.

    Also, keep your blankets on and your feet on the bed. Gremlins man. Gremlins.

  • Spoon

    Bees. Any bees. I know how important bees are to pollination but for whatever reasons they scare the absolute hell out of me.

  • Boudicca

    Moths. I like butterflies though. Its ridiculous.

  • jenjen1352

    I could never bear to swim over seaweed. Always convinced it would wrap itself around my legs and pull me under.

    Amusingly, my 14 year old son had to sleep in my room last night because of something he read on CreepyPasta. Then again, our front door opened itself wide, some 10 minutes after I'd gone shopping.

  • Tempest

    Random floating face looking into the room at night. There's a reason I always close the curtains...