
Hey Snapzu, What is the oldest internet site you still regularly visit?

9 years ago by Chubros with 20 comments

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  • idlethreat

    Probably Slashdot. Can't recall when I started going there, but I know it's been at least a decade

    • jmcs

      Until a couple of years ago that would have also been my answer, but after the sourceforge started to include malware in their installers I stopped going to all DHI sites.

  • cunt



    • double2

      Metafilter?! Is that really still going?!

  • Nextmastermind

    I occasionally still visit the Bethesda forums. They've been around since about the time of Daggerfall, but I've only had an account there since '07.

  • danielxvu

    Hm, someone already said Google. I guess the runner-up would be Wikipedia (created in January of 2001).

  • ima11

    microsoft.com, probably.

  • NerfYoda

    Probably Slashdot and BluesNews for me.

  • ToixStory

    The oldest period I regularly visit is, as gladsdotter said, IMDb.com. The oldest I regularly visit in that I've regularly visited it since the earliest days are probably Something Awful and MOCPages.com (a LEGO custom creations website), both of which I've been on regularly since the early 2000s.

  • rataerix

    Slashdot, Founded 1997. I haven't been going on there to long though.