  • NameTaken

    Snapzu first attracted me because I judged it by it's cover. Then after looking around, I saw that it was a nice community and being a quiet guy, I thought this could be a place to be more confident on the internet and not be afraid of downvotes. I like the levelling system because it gives me a sense of satisfaction. Finally, the main reason is that voat was down, so I moved here.

    • Boop

      Poor Voat would have gotten more users if its servers were able to handle the huge influx of activity.

      And I can relate with you, I prefer reading and listening to talking. I like to read others' posts and comments before I post. When I do finally talk, I talk a lot if it's about something I'm highly engaged in. The free use of the downvote button on Reddit was a huge turnoff to me, and a reason why I lurked way more than I talked. It's just so discouraging to see your comment get downvoted just because someone didn't agree with your opinion.

      • NameTaken

        I rarely commented on Reddit. When I did, it was on my post that made it to front page. I was called karma whore and was downvoted to oblivion to the lowest comment karma can go. I didn't particularly like that moment.