  • LacquerCritic

    I have terrible sleep habits, so if I fixed those I probably would have fewer issues getting up. That being said, I've done two things that have helped a lot in getting me out of bed. One is to put my phone somewhere that forces me to get up and stretch to reach it. The second thing has been downloading an alarm clock app that forces me to do math problems to turn it off. In the app I can change the settings for difficulty of the math problems and how many to snooze versus how many I need to do to turn the alarm off completely.

    • Schwut

      This is probably going to sound stupid, but I never even thought to simply just move my phone farther away so I'm forced to get out of bed to shut it off. Great suggestion.

      • LacquerCritic

        Glad I could help! I recommend also putting it somewhere you have to stretch to reach - the act of actually flexing or stretching your muscles goes a long way to waking you up, in my experience.

        • Schwut

          Good to know. Well I'll be sure to try it out tonight.