  • sea

    Reading. Literally just reading a bit of a novel every day. It's not a technique, you don't have to put in effort, you don't have to work at it, just read. I love reading, and as a result, I have a larger vocabulary, and I can articulate myself more effectively. Just try it :).

    • Palmento

      Thanks for the reply, but I don't think it's so simple. I'm an avid reader, and my vocabulary is decent, however that doesn't address the heart of the issue. I think my main issue is having the mind of a goldfish. I have little confidence in my ability be clear and concise, most of my thoughts and ideas lack focus and I find myself trying to overload each sentence with as many ideas as I can fit. I rarely finish a thought before my brains has already moved on to the next one. I think I may just need to try slowing down and really focus my points.

      • sea

        I dislike jumping straight to conclusions, but have you considered the possibility you may have ADD or a form of it?

        • Palmento

          Hmm, I didn't consider that there may be a medical reason. I may have some research to do.