  • stitches

    We met in in the Republic in Sheffield in 2001 at the Tidy Trax Christmas Party (back in my old raving days). I have no recollection of it. He has a photo of his mates and me in which he named me "girl with glasses" and put it up on the clubbing message board we used to use.

    The first time I remember meeting him was at a festival, we both ended up the backstage area and he was telling me all about his ex and that he was moving up near me from Bristol. There were times in between that we hung about with each other as he'd moved in with my friends, and at their house warming we were inseparable all night.

    First date was just me heading on up to Manchester to meet up and hang out, he kissed me in the pizza aisle of Tesco, 14th August 2002, and here we are 13 years later, married for 8 years, and still sickeningly happy.