  • desertjedi85

    My friend opened up a comic book shop. I was recently unemployed so I spent a lot of time there shortly after it opened. I met a woman who worked there who was friends with all my friends. We hung out every day I was there and really hit it off. A couple months later I finally find another job in another state about 12 hours away. We talked to each other every day for almost 2 years, even though she got a boyfriend shortly after I moved away.

    One day I give up on the dream of us being together and stop talking to her. Several months later (4-6) I text her again out of the blue and she is extremely excited to hear from me. I had been at that job for about 2 years at this point and was looking to move back to the original state. We continue talking every day and I fly up to visit friends for Halloween. My last night there she calls me and tells me she loves me (something I've been waiting to hear for 2 years). I flew back home and started working even harder to find a job near her.

    Finally new years comes around and I have an interview. Nail the interview and get an offer. I then flew her down to me and she helped me pack up my and rode with me in the moving truck. We now live together with our two kids (each of us has a kid from previous marriage) and have been together for 8 months.

    I couldn't be happier.

    • fanficmistress

      That's great I am glad you were able to be together after all of that time!