  • PMMeLadyNudes

    Some of the later books in the Sword of Truth series are really really bad. The author just uses them as a soapbox to espouse his hard core libertarian philosophy. I'm not really bothered by his politics, but the writing was just terrible. The main character pretty much stopped talking WITH the other characters in favor of talking AT them in multiple page lectures of how evil all the bad socialists/pacifists are. All of the bad guys were just evil caricatures of whatever he wanted to paint as bad.

    Also, the author has a weird obsession with sexual violence. Every book (I believe literally every book in a main series) had some instance of sexual violence, including a multiple chapter bdsm torture sex slave relationship in the very first book.

    I got through to the end of the series because I really didn't want to leave it unfinished, but I honestly would just rather have the hours of my life back.