  • Fuyu

    Adventure Time, and modern American cartoons in general. I really wanted to like Adventure Time because I had read so much about the backstory lore and how the creator was a D&D player that used untouched campaign ideas for his story and it really interested me. I had given up on cartoons in about '08 thanks to Chowder and Flapjack, and I found Adventure Time to be just as obnoxious as I remember those to be.

    What's sad now is Steven Universe is the next big obsession with everyone I know. They pitch it to me constantly and even before I knew it was an American cartoon or by the dude from Adventure Time I thought it sounded bad. I want to enjoy what my friends enjoy but for the life of me I can't see the appeal. It can't even be nostalgia because modern cartoons are nothing like the cartoons I grew up on.

    • Qukatt (edited 8 years ago)

      Steven Universe isn't the guy from Adventure time, it's a lady called Rebecca Sugar. (edit: she used to work on adventure time, mostly the songs and a few of the more poignant episodes but hasn't worked on the show in a while now)

      It has a more coherent story line, it does share some animation style and some of the humour with Adventure time. I also shares a lot of traits with obnoxious cartoons but it is certainly well written and compelling if you like the show.

      I would say with any show watch 3 episodes then decide :) it's worth making your own opinions and pilots alone are not always reliable.