Anime List Rating Critique thread
As many of you know, people keep lists of what they have watched. Some use notepad, others an excel chart, and others still use websites such as these.
It is now time to share that list, and prepare to have your watch list, well, critiqued.
9 years ago by sirlag
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I stoped rating things for some time but you can ask me about anything I've seen.
I watched the first season of both Log Horizon and Sword Art Online and a bit of the second season of LH. Are the second seasons worth a watch?
The 2nd season of SAO is, imo, better than the 2nd half of the 1st season. Oh, and you get an Asuna arc !
I really enjoy the 1st season of LH, I was disappointed with the 2nd. The pacing feel wrong and nothing is solved at the end of the day.
I rate things based on enjoyment so it might be higher than most people but send your critiques anyways.
The pop out icons/covers on your list are really cool.
Thanks, the covers help me remember what the anime is if I can't tell by name alone
The 10/10 For JoJo. You have learned well.
Kinda underwhelmed by stardust crusaders, though...
Actually have to agree. Other than a few choice fights, especially the ending, the stand user of the week set up kinda sucked.
And since I started this post, I suppose my list should go first.