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  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by socialiguana
    +16 +1

    Victory! Washington Ends Cage Confinement of Hens Used for Eggs

    In some hopeful news for farmed animals, Washington governor Jay Inslee signed a new law this week that will end all cage confinement of hens in the state by 2023. This historic win is the strongest protection for farmed animals that any state legislature has passed to date. Banning the production and sale of eggs from hens in cages will benefit about 8 million hens each year once it takes effect.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by 8mm
    +7 +1

    Travelling circuses to be banned from using wild animals in England

    Travelling circuses will be banned from using wild animals from next year. Environment Secretary Michael Gove announced a new bill to prevent animals such as reindeer, zebras and camels being forced to perform in circuses in England. The move has been welcomed by animal rights groups who have campaigned for years to stop the ‘cruel spectacle’ of performing animals.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by messi
    +13 +1

    USDA Terminates Deadly Cat Experiments, Plans To Adopt Out Remaining Animals

    Scientists infected the cats with toxoplasmosis and later killed them. Bipartisan members of Congress complained about the practice, and the agency ended the program.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by melaniee
    +13 +1

    Scientists added human brain genes to monkeys. Yes, it’s as scary as it sounds.

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  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by cone
    +16 +1

    Germany Just Shut Down Its Last Fur Farm

    According to PETA, the farmer shut down ahead of the 2022 deadline as he was struggling under government pressure and frequent, unannounced inspections. He said he also felt the weight of activist pressures — PETA has been campaigning strongly in the country for more than two decades. Germany banned fur farming in 2017 — the country gave farmers a five-year transition period to fully phase out of the industry. PETA credits its heavy campaigning efforts, petitions, protests, and anti-fur ads for helping push the legislation through into law.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by Pfennig88
    +4 +1

    China Proposes Ban on Pangolins in Traditional Medicine

    Members of the National People’s Congress, China’s legislature, announced a proposal to ban the use of pangolin products, the world’s most trafficked animal, in traditional Chinese medicine. The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), a pro-Beijing conservative political party, released a series of 24 proposals for this year to be presented at the annual NPC sessions in March, which included the pangolin ban.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by TheSpirit
    +4 +1

    Updates as 200 activists storm pig farm near Lincoln in mass protest

    Around 200 animal activists have stormed a pig farm near Lincoln as part of a protest about the factory farming industry in the UK. Meat The Victims UK arrived at Sandilands Pigs in Newark Road near Laughterton in their droves this morning, Saturday, March 2. The group say that they want to 'expose the reality of factory farming'. 100 activists are inside one of the pig holding pens, while another 100 are outside too.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by spacepopper
    +17 +1

    California Moves to Ban All School Dissection

    California may ban all school dissections, thanks to new legislation. Assembly memer Ash Kalra introduced today AB-1586, the Replacing Animals in Science Education (RAISE) Act. The bill, co-sponsored by the non-profit organizations PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), Social Compassion in Legislation, and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), would replace animal dissections with modern, humane alternatives.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by ppp
    +16 +1

    Australia Passes Bill To Ban Animal Testing For Cosmetics

    The Australian Senate has passed a bill effectively animal testing for chemicals used as ingredients in cosmetics. Under the measures, which are part of the Industrial Chemicals Bills 2017, companies cannot use data gleaned from animal testing when introducing a new chemical or ingredient to the beauty sector. According to campaigners, the measures will also help reduce reliance on animal testing and encourage the development of non-animal methods, which is in line with the wishes of the 85 percent of Australians...

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by socialiguana
    +16 +1

    In an Australian first, the ACT may legally recognise animals' feelings

    Have you ever wondered what's going through your dog's mind when you say the word "walk"? And does your pup seem to show guilt when you ask them sternly "what have you done?" Their tail might drop between their legs, their ears droop down, and their eyes turn away. We often attribute human emotions to animals, in a practice called anthropomorphism. It's frowned upon in scientific circles, because it can lead us to incorrectly assume what animals are expressing.

  • Analysis
    5 years ago
    by junglman
    +22 +1

    Ethical Views on the Use and Abuse of Animals

    Humans in many different venues use and often seriously abuse nonhuman animals (animals) by the billions. I recently learned of an interesting study published in PLOS ONE by Danish researchers Thomas Bøker Lund, Sara Vincentzen Kondrup, and Peter Sandøe called "A multidimensional measure of animal ethics orientation–Developed and applied to a representative sample of the Danish public...

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by hiihii
    +10 +1

    Kellogg's Ends Animal Testing After 65 Years

    Multinational food manufacturing brand Kellogg’s has agreed to end animal testing after relying on the experiments for 65 years. Kellogg’s has become a popular household name since its founding in 1906, producing a range of breakfast cereals like Froot Loops, Just Right, Corn Flakes, Special K, and more recently, a vegan cereal that includes vegetables.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by distant
    +18 +1

    Lawmakers Propose Bill That Would Make Animal Cruelty A Felony In The U.S.

    A pair of Florida congressmen reintroduced a bill last week that would make animal cruelty a felony nationwide. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act from Rep. Ted Deutch, D-West Boca, and Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Sarasota, would target “crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating and impaling animals.” The measure would also address bestiality and other efforts to sexually exploit animals.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by Chubros
    +17 +1

    New Jersey Looks to Ban Slaughter of Pregnant Animals

    A couple of weeks ago, a brave cow jumped for her life from the second level of a transport truck headed for the slaughterhouse. The story made headlines, and the cow, now named Brianna, was rescued by Skylands Animal Sanctuary & Rescue in New Jersey. What nobody knew at the time was that Brianna was pregnant. A few days later she gave birth to her calf, Winter, at Skylands.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by Amabaie
    +16 +1

    Chinese Scientists Have Cloned a Genetically Altered Primate For The First Time

    This time last year, the first primates cloned through a nucleus transfer technique made headlines around the world. Now, Chinese researchers have pushed the envelope even further – by breaking a regulatory gene in macaques before cloning them.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by baron778
    +14 +1

    Court Rules ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Criminalizing Undercover Reporting Violates the First Amendment

    In a win for freedom of the press, a federal court this month struck down an Iowa law making it a crime to lie about your intentions when accessing an agricultural production facility. The “ag-gag” law, which was aimed at undercover journalists and activists, essentially prevented undercover investigations of the agricultural industry. In a lawsuit brought by the ACLU of Iowa, the court rightly found that the law violates the First Amendment.

  • Expression
    5 years ago
    by jedlicka
    +41 +1

    The Dog Who Took the Witness Stand

    Tracing the origins of the animal rights movement to one truly bizarre 1922 court case.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by timex
    +13 +1

    Serbia starts 2019 off right by outlawing fur farms

    Animal advocates around the globe rejoice as Serbia starts off the new year by effectively banning fur farms after a 10-year phase-out. The enforcement of the ban is the successful result of a decade-long decisive and persistent struggle by citizens, experts and animal rights activist during which fur industry lobby groups consistently put pressure to reverse the ban.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by hiihii
    +20 +1

    UK bans pet shops from selling puppies and kittens

    Britain has banned third-party sales of puppies and kittens to protect the animals from exploitation. The government says the new law will help crack down on “puppy farms” and make it harder for unscrupulous dealers who have little regard for animal welfare. Animal Welfare Minister David Rutley said the ban “is part of our commitment to make sure the nation’s much-loved pets get the right start in life.”

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by doodlegirl
    +25 +1

    'Animals are not entertainment': Sea World shuts down dolphin shows after protesters invade pool

    Sea World has been forced to cancel two of its performing dolphin shows in a dramatic day on the Gold Coast, where protesters invaded the pools as part of a co-ordinated sting, leading to several arrests. Two groups of activists from the Justice for Captives organisation targeted Saturday morning's dolphin show on the Gold Coast, unfurling banners saying "Animals are not entertainment," "Google Blackfish", "Dolphins belong in the ocean", and "Captivity is cruelty".