
Is this the copy of /r/all ?

9 years ago by m8gege with 5 comments

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  • bogdan

    You've stumbled upon strange territory, my friend. I don't think the tribe called "all" has much of an importance around here... unless you want to do something to change that

    • judog24

      It would probably just confused the Reddit refugees. Doesn't the homepage already act like r/all anyways or does it just feel like that since you can post to multiple tribes at once?

      • m8gege

        I came from reddit and I was confused

        • dannycdannydo

          r/all in't really a subreddit, its just a list of what reddits algorithm deems to be the most 'trending' submissions. Like bogdan says, if you just go to 'all' which is in the top left of your screen, that will take you to the same thing as r/all

        • bogdan

          Yes, the main page has a filter "All tribes" or "My tribes" you can toggle that one and see whatever you are interested in.