Paid for Parking
Paid For Parking Submitted by tasha from tynemouth
me and my other half were standing by my car trying to decide whether to go and get change or pay for our parking via phone when a guy came up to us and said to you need change and just put some money into my hand. i started to say i only had a £10 note but he just said dont worry about it and walked away! it was totally random and i was so shocked at first i wondered if it was a trick of some sort but it was just a kind person helping a stranger out.
next time im in a car park im going to pass it on for sure :) made my day
9 years ago by Rhumanity
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Sometimes it's these small and simple acts that mean a lot, wish more people would do them. Glad you found one who does :)
I got these stories from a website, kind of just to kick things off