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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement dart123

    Rock Star

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Agreed, I'm not sure what the deal is. I got my invite an hour ago and I've seen two posts regarding getting rid of the downvote button! I didn't even use reddit but I saw the importance of a dual-vote system versus Facebook's Like system. A dual voting system promotes discussion, a single vote system creates self-fulfilling prophecies.

    Imagine a game of Basketball where there's a wall going through the center of the court and both teams just stay on their sides throwing the ball into their own hoops. That's what a Like system does. An Up/Downvoting system is like a real Basketball game.

    Tortured analogies aside, I'm eager to see how this plays out.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up dart123

    Level 3

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement dart123

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations dart123 on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    I gotta admit, I kind of hope Nintendo DOESN"T make a smartphone. Sony and Microsoft lost their ways as gaming companies by not making games the primary experience. Nintendo is the only one who, in my mind, makes true vg consoles these days. A smartphone by nature is not centered on games, it's a digital swiss-army knife.

    A Nintendo tablet I would love to see, because it could be centered around games like Nvidia's Shield products. But Sony tried making a games-centered smartphone called the Xperia Play, and it flopped.

    Still, I agree with OP that we need more innovators at the executive level. Most of them become corporate dogs when they get that high on the ladder. Iwata was a notable exception, may he RIP

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Not sure I believe Zimbardo since his history with these subjects would leave him incredibly biased. Would love to read more of his data. But this does point to the problem that technology insinuates instant gratification, which I do think is a bad side effect.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    I remember when Iw as in high school, heroin was considered expensive. I wonder what happened?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Mine is similar. I go for a walk around my neighborhood, then make sure the house is locked when I return. I make myself a cup of sleepy time tea and fill a water bottle with ice for afterwards. Depending on what's on, I might throw on a Twitch stream, YouTube, or catch up on a Netflix show. Depending on that last part, I usually fall asleep within 30 mins.

    Must be nice to look out into the city though :)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Agreed, after college I've been drinking one cup every night to help me sleep. Much healthier than beer haha

    Posted in: Sleepytime Herbal Tea

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    I give you a lot of credit for doing these types of projects. They take a lot of work, but you're almost done and it's for a good cause. Keep it up and enjoy the journey :)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Sometimes it's these small and simple acts that mean a lot, wish more people would do them. Glad you found one who does :)

    Posted in: Paid for Parking

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    At BUILD 2015, Microsoft announced that with Windows 10, developers would be able to "convert" a web app into a Windows native app. I'm no developer but that sounds interesting and simple enough to accomplish. Finger's crossed :)

    Posted in: Snapzu Windows 8.1 app?

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up dart123

    Level 2

    dart123 is now level 2 with 1,080 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    Would love to get a Tesla S someday. But they don't have enough public recharging stations in my part of the country, so I'd be a fool to get one now.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment dart123

    "Too high for his nut" and "bottom fact" I've somehow heard before, but the rest of them are new to me. Now I just need to remember to use them and confuse the hell out of people haha